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  • Report interessante by Alessio Mazzeo
    First big race, first big test. Very hard track layout and very difficult track conditions. We lost one test day to the rain. In qualy I was always fast but I have done a lot of mistakes because I didn’t have much feeling for the track. In Q1 I closed 2nd behind Bruno; in Q2 I have flipped after 8 laps and I finished 10th. In warm up practice we have changed the set up a bit to find more stability. In the final I started with number 8.
    We were really fast but after 3 laps in an overtake maneuver I have flipped and I was last. I have pushed for the whole final to recover the gap. I also had a flame out at the second tyre change. I have changed all 4 tires 2 times. But neverthless, we are arrived in second place behind Bruno. I‘m realy happy for the result of the new car, and really happy for both Bruno'victory. The work of this winter is bringing its fruit."
    1/10 TC Top 10
    1. Bruno Coelho - XRAY NT1
    2. Alessio Mazzeo – XRAY NT1
    3. Eric Dankel - Mugen
    4. Léo Arnold – XRAY NT1
    5. Eduardo Escandon - Shepherd
    6. Mark Green  Serpent
    7. Jilles Groskamp           Infinity
    8. Alex Thurston              Serpent 748 WC
    9. Kyle Branson Capricorn
    10. Quentin Leroux        CAPRICORN
    1/8 Top 10
    1. Bruno Coelho - XRAY RX8
    2. Jilles Groskamp           Infinity
    3. Toni Gruber  WRC GTX1.3
    4. Takaaki Shimo              INFINITY
    5. Robert Pietsch             Mugen
    6. Dominic Greiner         Serpent Viper 977 Evo3
    7. Simon Kurzbuch          Shepherd Velox WC
    8. Lars Hoppe    Shepherd
    9. Merlin Depta                Serpent
    10. Naoto Matsukura    Infinity

  • Ecco un bell'articolo censito da Jarno Pijpers
    Last weekend I was at the second Dutch national championship at RMCA Almelo which is a small ASTRO-TURF track.
    After the qualifications I had the fourth place. In the semi B I started behind Bart Mullink and I finished second. I had a good start in the A main. After a few laps behind Bart Mullink I made a mistake. It was a race between Sander, Jordy and me. After a while I had the third spot, a second behind Sander. But after a few laps , Bart Mulnik got an electronic failure at the lead. So Sander an I moved on to the first and second spot. After a while Sander made a mistake and I passed him. Then Jordy came closer to Sander and they where battling fore the second place. While they where battling I got a gap between me and the second. There where only 5 minutes left so I had to just drive to the end and it would end with me winning. My XRAY XB8 was easy to drive , so thanks to my dad for the set-up. Also my FX -K3 was great.
    Thanks to my sponsors: Xray/FX/Hudy- RC-connect
    RMV Deutsland
    Motoren Revisie Valkenswaard
    Top 10
    1. Jarno Pijpers XRAY XB8 / FX
    2. Jordy velder serpent / alpha
    3. Sander Van Genechten XRAY XB8 / FX
    4. Oane Storm  JQ                           
    5. Rajco Van Der Sluijs Tekno reds
    6. Nathan Lejeuz serpent                             
    7. Lars Trouwborst / XRAY XB8 FX
    8. Gerwin De Wit Agama  OS Speed
    9. Jacco koch Hongnor
    10. Bart Mullink Agama  Bullit

  • New Lexan Rear Wing - 1/8 Off-road
     XRAY own design
     Premium Lexan material
     Designed for XB8 platform
     Fits XB8, XB8E, XT8
     Pre-cut for maximum comfort
     Super lightweight
     Very strong
     Rear pre-bent wicker area
     Adjustable position
     Center fins adds stability & strength
    XRAY super lighweight 1/8 off-road lexan wing designed for a perfect fit to XB8 and working
    in conjuction with the XRAY off-road bodies. The wing is produced from high-quality original
    Lexan material and is completely pre-cut for maximum comfort.
    The wing has an adjustable position and consists from two pieces, the main wing and the
    center fin that adds more stability and increases strength of the wing around the mounting
    area. The rear part of the wing is pre-bent to reinforce the wing and eliminates the use of
    additional heavy composite wickers. This makes the back of the wing strong while still
    allowing for wing flex in the crash. The pre-bent rear part for the wing is used also by
    purpose as an important downforce area feature. Used by the factory team and suggested
    for all track conditions.


  • HUDY Ultra Double-sided Tape
    • Multi-purpose
    • Double-sided
    • Extra-strong glue
    • Long lasting
    • Super easy to remove
    The best multi-purpose double-sided tape for all your RC needs. The extra-strong glue
    ensures a perfect hold while remaining super easy to remove. The tape was long-term tested
    by the factory team and was chosen as the favorite long-lasting double-sided tape.

  • Ecco i migliori della gara ceca:
    TOP 12:
    1. Max Gotzl – XRAY  XB8
    2. Kaja Novotny (TQ) – XRAY XB8
    3. Ales Bidovsky – XRAY XB8
    4. Jiri Dvorak – Mugen 
    5. Martin Zicha – Mugen 
    6. Martin Rytir – XRAY
    7. Martin Vins – Kyosho
    8. Pavel Braun – Kyosho
    9. Petr Javorovsky – Mugen
    10. Tomas Fic - Kyosho
    11. Petr Javorovsky (sen) – Mugen
    12. Frantisek Kalenda - Serpen

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    • Buongiorno a tutti, sono un ex modellista a cui è tornata la scimmia 😄 Ho corso per 8 anni a livello agonistico con 1/8 Off-road nitro, poi ho abbandonato l'hobby e ora, dopo circa 10 anni, volevo riprendere a fare qualche garetta. Nella mia zona (Vicenza) alcuni amici sono passati nel frattempo al GT 1/8 BLS e mi sto approcciando all'acquisto del modello. Mi sono un pò arenato su un argomento: ho notato che le 1/8 GT BLS di ultimissima generazione sono prive di differenziale centrale, mentre quelle dei miei amici che hanno un paio d'anni hanno ancora i 3 differenziali... Adoperando io l'auto prevalentemente per le famose "gare di sagra", improvvisate su piazzali e quindi molto tortuose e con rettilinei limitati, ho il timore che possa essere penalizzante l'assenza del differenziale centrale. Mi conviene prendere il penultimo modello con differenziale centrale? Se qualcuno ha esperienza in merito e mi può dare consigli gliene sarei grato   Ciao a tutti
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    • Per essere sempre al passo con i tempi, abbiamo creato una community whatsapp, con l’obiettivo di rimanere più connessi e consentire quindi un’informazione più veloce possibile.   Entra subito cliccando su https://chat.whatsapp.com/B7qgZ3vy1GoBuFgoZVRsHv  
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