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Sven Boehringer Family Reunion Race in US


Race report by Drew Ellis


The Sven Boehringer Family Reunion race was held at The Backyard in Battle ground Washington. The race ran from July 13th-16th. Format was 4 qualifiers and single mains for nitro and triple mains for electric. The race was held in memory for Sven, a great racer and friend to the RC community.

The track is like no other in the states. Full ribbon and banked with camber turns. It has a superfast line that demands maximum focus.

Team XRAY was well represented at the event with drivers from all over the US and Canada. The team worked hard to find pace and setups.

In Stock TC Dan Hammon was showing pace and would end of putting it 2nd on the grid for the start of the triple mains. Andrew Doherty was right there also qualifying 3rd. Tim Copp would put his XRAY 4th for the start. Devin Patterson put his XRAY 5th. 4 out of the top 5 cars were XRAY.

In Mod TC, JJ Wang was showing the pace early on, but had some tire issues but will still mange a 4th qualifier to start the triple A mains. Dave Ehlich making his comeback tour would put his XRAY 5th on the grid.

In Spec GT, Andrew Doherty put it 2nd on the grid to start the main. Dick Reece would start 4th. John Gonzales put it 5th. 3 out of the top 5 were XRAY’s.

In Nitro TC, Richard St Cyr would be starting the 30 minute main 4th on the grid. Paul Lemieux was lined up 5th.

In 1/8, Blake Bell put it 7th top start the 30m min main. Paul Lemieux and Dana Mckee taking the bump spots to start 10th and 11th.

In GT8, Ryan Newbury put his GTX8 4TH. Scotty Ernst with his rent a GTX8 would start 6th for the main.

After some exciting mains this is how it ended up.

17.5 Sedan:

1st Felix Law

2nd Dan Hamann – XRAY T4

3RD Andrew Doherty – XRAY T4

4TH Devin Patterson – XRAY T4

5TH Bryce Butterfield – XRAY T4

6TH Chris Kemper

7th Luke Pittman – XRAY T4

8TH Tim Copp – XRAY T4

9TH Donny Banks

10th Dick Reese – XRAY T4

11TH Scott Barnes


Mod Sedan:

1st JJ Wang – XRAY T4

2ND Gonzalo Cortes

3rd Randy Castor

4th Felix Law

5th Luke Pittman – XRAY T4

6TH Dan Hamann – XRAY T4

7TH Julian Wong – XRAY T4

8TH Dave Ehrlich – XRAY T4

9TH Korey Harbke

10th Eric Epp

11th Ethan Erchinger


Scale Spec:

1st Chris Kemper

2nd Andrew Doherty – XRAY X10

3RD Mike Rydwell

4th Hector Garcia

5th John Gonzales – XRAY X10

6TH Otto Rosa

7th Nate Lyday

8th Dick Reece – XRAY X10

9TH Stuart Mason

10th Trevor Geter

11th Michael Boyle


1/8 Open:

1st JJ Wang

2nd Joaquin Desoto Jr

3rd Paul Lemieux – XRAY RX8

4TH Richard St Cyr – XRAY RX8

5TH Tom Camou

6th Brandon Cho 

7th Tony Clark

8th Scott Kimbrow

9th Blake Bell – XRAY RX8

10TH Dana Mckee – XRAY RX8

11TH Ralph Burch Jr


1/10 Sedan Nitro:

1st Ralph Burch Jr

2nd Richard St Cyr – XRAY NT1

3RD Paul Lemieux – XRAY NT1

4TH Blake Bell – XRAY NT1

5TH Robbie Cerrato

6th Brain Thomas

7th Luke Pittman – XRAY NT1

8TH Scott Kimbrow

9th Loran Whiting

10th Bryce Butterfield – XRAY NT1

11TH Alex Plate – XRAY NT1



1ST Joaquin Desoto Jr

2nd Scott Barnes

3rd Mike Lyday

4th Rick Wang

5th Scotty Ernst – XRAY GTX8

6TH Ryan Newbury – XRAY GTX8

7TH Trevor Geter

8th Kevin Rogers – XRAY GTX8

9TH Jeff Whiting

10th Mike Biscieglia

11th Troy Mckune


Thanks to the whole St Cyr family for making this event happen. Thanks to Ryan and Melissa Newbury for getting things going. Thanks to all the Hooligans that put in the work to make this a great event. Thanks to Scotty for handling things on the mic and keeping things moving. Thanks to all the XRAY guys for putting in the hard work and coming out with some good results. Sven sister was able to make the event and race Sven’s car, we are very thankful for her to be able to make the trip over. Thank you, Anja Krystina Bohringer. RIP to our friend Sven Boehringer.


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