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Report & results after qualifications at the ETS Finale at Hudy Arena


Bruno Coelho, Tom Krägefski e Jan Ratheisky claim TQs at #ETS2016 at Hudy Arena



The ETS Finale takes place for its 4th time at world famous Hudy Arena in Trencin, Slovakia,

this weekend. The best World drivers come to Trencin to fight for the prestigious win

including Atsushi Hara, Gilles Groskamp, Ronald Volker, Marc Rheinard, Alexander

Hagberg, Bruno Coelho, Jan Ratheisky, David Ehrbar, Marek Cerny & many more.

As usually the event starts with Thursday’s free practice where Bruno Coelho at his “home

track” posting the fastest lap and shows that he is going to be one of biggest candidate to

gain the ETS Slovakia title. Bruno’s XRAY team mate Alexander Hagberg posts the 2nd

fastest time and together with Ronald Volker will be also another candidates for ETS

Slovakia Champion. The only Bruno’s contender for overall ETS title Marc Rheinard finishes

the free practice with the 4 th best time.


The timed practice is on schedule late Thursday and Friday morning and Bruno continues

with his performance winning the timed practice followed by Ronald Volker & Alexander

Hagberg. Marc Rheinard cannot find the right set-up for hot track conditions and finishes as



Friday qualification starts great for a man to beat as Bruno Coelho grabs the first 2 TQs and

thanks to that he gains the overnight TQ. Despite the bad start form Marc Rheinard in the

Q1, the Q2 brings him the 2nd place. If Marc wants to share the title with Bruno he needs to

get overall TQ.The 3rd and the 4th round of qualification are on schedule on Saturday and it

is Alexander Hagberg who grabs the Q3 followed by Jilles Groskamp & Meen Vejrak. As

Marc Rheinard does not TQ 3 rd round, which means that he is unable to get overall TQ, the

only overall Champion of ETS 2016 becomes Bruno Coelho. In Q4 Viljami Kutvonen has the

best time but the overall TQ goes to Bruno Coelho with 2TQs.



In stock class Max Machler takes the free pracitce and timed practice followed by XRAY’s

Jan Ratheisky who secured the overal ETS title already with the wins in ETS Luxembourg.

The first 3 qualifications in stock class has three different winners. Tom Krägefski, Marco

Siegenthaler, Patrick Gassauer was the order after 3 round of qualifications with Tom holding

the overnight TQ.



Previous year it was the formula class where Jan Ratheisky & David Ehrbar showed

unforgettable racing. This year Jan takes the free practice & Jan Bohlen timed practice in

absence of Serpent’s David Ehrbar who joins the race from qualifications where he

immediately takes the first TQ but only 0,001 sec in front of Jan. Second TQ goes to Jan

Ratheisky and 3rd to Olivier Bultynck. Thanks to the better time David holds the overnight

TQ. In the 4 th qualification it is Jan Ratheisky again who posts the best time and has the

overall TQ followed by David Ehrbar and Olivier Bultynck.


1. Bruno Coelho - XRAY

2. Alexander Hagberg - XRAY

3. Viljami Kutvonen - Awesomatix

4. Ronald Völker - Yokomo

5. Jilles Groskamp - XRAY

6. Yannic Prümper - VBC

7. Frederik Südhoff - Awesomatix

8. Marc Rheinard - Tamiya

9. Viktor Wilck - Serpent

10. Elliott Harper - Schumacher


1. Tom Krägefski - XRAY

2. Noah Asendorf - XRAY

3. Marco Siegenthaler - XRAY

4. Patrick Gassauer – Team Magic

5. Jan Ratheisky - XRAY

6. Max Mächler - Awesomatix

7. Mattia Collina - XRAY

8. Olivier Bultynck - Awesomatix

9. Christian Donath - Tamiya

10. Nico Catelani - Yokomo


1. Jan Ratheisky - XRAY

2. David Ehrbar - Serpent

3. Olivier Bultynck - Roche

4. Matej Dobnikar - XRAY

5. Jitse Miedema - XRAY

6. Martin Hofer - Yokomo

7. Jacques Libar - Roche

8. Jérémy Limoges - XRAY

9. Balint Rajki - XRAY

10. Andrej Vnucko - XRAY


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    • Buongiorno a tutti, sono un ex modellista a cui è tornata la scimmia 😄 Ho corso per 8 anni a livello agonistico con 1/8 Off-road nitro, poi ho abbandonato l'hobby e ora, dopo circa 10 anni, volevo riprendere a fare qualche garetta. Nella mia zona (Vicenza) alcuni amici sono passati nel frattempo al GT 1/8 BLS e mi sto approcciando all'acquisto del modello. Mi sono un pò arenato su un argomento: ho notato che le 1/8 GT BLS di ultimissima generazione sono prive di differenziale centrale, mentre quelle dei miei amici che hanno un paio d'anni hanno ancora i 3 differenziali... Adoperando io l'auto prevalentemente per le famose "gare di sagra", improvvisate su piazzali e quindi molto tortuose e con rettilinei limitati, ho il timore che possa essere penalizzante l'assenza del differenziale centrale. Mi conviene prendere il penultimo modello con differenziale centrale? Se qualcuno ha esperienza in merito e mi può dare consigli gliene sarei grato   Ciao a tutti
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