Era nell’aria da qualche settimana ma da oggi è ufficiale: il campione spagnolo Robert Batlle lascia Mugen, ne danno conferma sia un suo post che uno della Mugen stessa. Dove andrà Robert? Alcuni dicono Mayako, sarà vero? Seguiteci per scoprirlo! Di seguito i post.

Carta para Mugen:
Han sido 12 años muy bonitos, los mejores en mi carrera hasta el momento. Hemos conseguido muchos objetivos, nos hemos divertido un montón y me habéis ayudado a ser lo que soy. Tengo tantos recuerdos de todo este tiempo, que me ha sido difícil resumirlos todos en un post.
Solo puedo agradeceros toda la ayuda recibida, siempre váis a tener un hueco en mi corazón.
Es momento de tomar distintos caminos, os deseo lo mejor en vuestro futuro, ha sido un placer formar parte de la #mugenfamily.
Me gustaría agradecer el trato recibido en especial a Stefan Habbecke y a John Yves Ferte por darme la oportunidad en 2011!
Nos vemos por los circuitos❤️
Letter to Mugen:
It has been 12 lovely years, the best ones in my career so far. We have achieved many goals, we have had a lot of fun and you have helped me to be what I am. I have so many memories from us, that it has been difficult for me to resume them all in one post.
I can only thank you for all the help I got, you will always have a place in my heart.
It’s time to take different roads, I wish you the best in your future, it has been a pleasure to be part of the #mugenfamily.
Last but not least, I would like to thank Stefan Habbecke and John Yves Ferte for giving me the opportunity back in 2011!
See you around the tracks ❤️

Post Mugen

Mugen Seiki Europe wants to thank Robert Batlle for all his effort put on our 12 years relationship. We did great things and we are proud of everything we did together. We have decided to finish our agreement and we wish him the best looking forward to a good relationship in the future.
Best of luck Robert❤️


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