Lo staff RCGP ha appena comunicato di aver cancellato a causa della pandemia da Covid, con grande dispiacere, la prima prova 2021 che era in programma al SCRC in Texas.

L’inizio di stagione è rimandato a giugno, in Portogallo.

Il comunicato

“It is with enormous disappointment that we are announcing that RCGP Event One at SCRC in El Paso is CANCELLED.

This has not been an easy decision, however in our opinion to continue with the event presents a significant and unnecessary risk to the health of RCGP’s host, drivers, teams, administrative personnel and other attendees. The Texas Department of State Health Services data shows infection rates of COVID variant one continuing to rise dramatically and confirms that COVID variant two is present in Texas.

While we understand there is a significant amount of local racing taking place, RCGP Events involve national and international entries and support which significantly increases the risks and potential impact of the pandemic at the race and back at home.

RCGP would like to thank Joey Showers, his family and the team at SCRC. They have been great supporters and a pleasure to work with in preparation for the Event. We hope we will be able to partner with them in the future.

Joey said :

‘We were all looking forward to hosting the first RCGP Event of the season so understandably we are very disappointed indeed. We wish RCGP the best of luck and hope to see you here in the future’.

We would also like to thank the Founding Teams and managers for their contributions and support over the off season.

Team Managers’ statement :

‘While we are sad that Event One of the RCGP World Series has been cancelled we support RCGP’s Administrative Team in their decision. We trust everyone stays safe and well and hope to see you trackside very soon’

RCGP is very grateful for the continued support and understanding of the racing community and hopes that you, your families and friends remain healthy and get vaccinated as soon as possible so that our lives and racing can be back at full speed.

Now we will turn our sights to Event Two which will open the season in Portugal in June.

Updates will be posted soon.




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